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Why get an Inspection?

The most basic reason to get an inspection is that most lenders won't offer finance without one. In some situations, realtors are known to include home inspection clauses in their contracts, especially in new construction. We like to think Inspections are the courting period of your property relationship before the full commitment.


Your dream property could be a total-rehab, blank-slate retail space or new construction. All three can be money pits, have investment potential or include everything in-between. Home Inspections can help define a crack in the basement as a foundation issue or maybe the house is just settling. With the right knowledge that fixer-upper might not be so intimidating. There is so much more to a property than the paint on the walls.


Why get an inspection with Looking Glass Homes? We've been here & there! We specialize in the Hudson Valley. Our unique location has the extremes of all four season within commuting distance to the largest city in America. We know all the reasons why you want to be here because they are the same reasons why we live here too.

What is a Home Inspection?

By definition, a home inspection is an objective examination of the property. Home Inspectors use different Standards of Practice and it is extremely important that we are upfront about ours. At Looking Glass Homes, we use the New York State Standards of Practice; and in good practice, include a full list of what you can expect.

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