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What is Radon? Learn the facts.

Why get a radon test with your inspection? Buying a property is stressful and costly, believe us we get it but radon testing is not the area where you should save on money. In physical terms, the Hudson Valley is an area where radon is a real concern. In monetary terms, radon mitigation does come at an additional cost to the home owner. Accurate radon tests are only successful under specific conditions and in conjunction with its tasteless, colorless & odorless properties, we can not stress enough that is it always better to be safe than sorry.

I think there is something in the water...

Before moving into a new home is the best time to perform a water quality test since you are already in the learning and mitigating process. You are moving into a new area which likely means you are also new to the  water supply. Testing the water right at the tap is fast, easy and gives you a clear picture of your property's water quality. The condition of supply pipes affect the quality of the water. It is a rare occurrence when you can actually see the lead supply pipes. A water quality test could uncover issues with the lines as well.

What you need to know about Home inspection and Radon gas
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